Detailed modalities of the ACL 2020 tutorials
Tutorial Chairs (Agata Savary and Yue Zhang) and General Chair (Dan Jurafsky), for the entire Organizing Committee
ACL 2020 features 8 tutorials on July 5. See the schedule and our previous post for the introduction to the tutorial organisation and infrastructure.
Here we give some further details of the tutorial modalities. Different modalities apply to different tutorials in three stages: before, during and after the tutorial. Please, read them carefully before attending. Recall that a registration is compulsory to attend any ACL 2020 event.
Tutorial materials are available in advance on the virtual conference website (from July 3). For some tutorials - T1, T3 and T5 - it is necessary to watch the pre-recordings in advance, since the live sessions will only feature question answering. For other tutorials, pre-recordings or pdf slides are also available and it is recommended (even if not compulsory) to watch them and prepare questions, which you can ask on the RocketChat channel of each individual tutorial.
The modalities of the live sessions greatly differ from one tutorial to another. Please check all the details in the table below.
Disclaimer: Last-minute changes might apply. For the latest updates, please, watch the webpages of the tutorials you wish to attend.
Before the tutorials

During the tutorials

After the tutorials